yeah you guys sounded really raged in TS, but I've watch you play before and you're better than what I saw. calling a strat during a match without ever practicing it is usually a bad idea, but it really just seemed like there was no teamwork :-/ (might've been a result of the previous rounds idk). sorry I couldn't be of much assistance, but it really felt like that round was a sadly construed hodgepodge taken from <BAD> clan server :(
no communcation -> no teamwork :D. Also some important players (Mig , Soldier, sub-zero, kuo ) are missing , that´s one of the problems :/
250 de ping on the other hand showed really good teamplay, really good marines.
But one question to 250: why did u go for a 2nd fade in veil? (not hive) ( or was that the onos later on? dunno)
+ Pilopo fail, + gobot commanding and not shooting + Gobot inventing tactics in matchs and not listen to me...
Next match i will command rines and aliens (yes, and i will use my mic).
So, 4 guys from roster missing that are important, no mic, no comm, no comunication, new strats, no teamwork, not listening to dogo.
Wow, i do know that no one in ns history won because of playing good rather than the other team being out of practice or being bad, but this is kinda of a new record.
When you get to finals (if there is a semi final, if not new team vs 250dp is pretty much settled) please just a gg would suffice.
I only played one time against you, and i only saw your lerk runing afraid to hive all the fucking time and sporing us from your hive...
Snail | 250 de ping
15 November 2010, 14:39
15 November 2010, 17:20
gobot | Stray Dogs
15 November 2010, 17:50
18 November 2010, 10:26
gobot | Stray Dogs
21 November 2010, 12:43
Strife | 250 de ping
21 November 2010, 16:12
gobot | Stray Dogs
21 November 2010, 16:27
Snail | 250 de ping
21 November 2010, 16:28
Snail | 250 de ping
21 November 2010, 22:05
21 November 2010, 22:07
gobot | Stray Dogs
21 November 2010, 22:10
Strife | 250 de ping
21 November 2010, 22:18
FatManMGS2 | Indie Game of Year
21 November 2010, 22:23
gobot | Stray Dogs
250 de ping on the other hand showed really good teamplay, really good marines.
But one question to 250: why did u go for a 2nd fade in veil? (not hive) ( or was that the onos later on? dunno)
22 November 2010, 14:31
+ Pilopo fail, + gobot commanding and not shooting + Gobot inventing tactics in matchs and not listen to me...
Next match i will command rines and aliens (yes, and i will use my mic).
22 November 2010, 14:34
Saebelzahnelefant | Team Four
22 November 2010, 15:53
Snail | 250 de ping
i was supposed to make rt hive but just forgotten and have to go onos :p thats why the so late hive
22 November 2010, 16:30
Strife | 250 de ping
Wow, i do know that no one in ns history won because of playing good rather than the other team being out of practice or being bad, but this is kinda of a new record.
When you get to finals (if there is a semi final, if not new team vs 250dp is pretty much settled) please just a gg would suffice.
22 November 2010, 17:06
Strife | 250 de ping
22 November 2010, 17:08
We never show nothing special till the last moment...
We are the "Stray Dogs".
22 November 2010, 18:13
They never show nothing special.
22 November 2010, 18:48
I only played one time against you, and i only saw your lerk runing afraid to hive all the fucking time and sporing us from your hive...
22 November 2010, 19:33
gobot | Stray Dogs
22 November 2010, 20:09
Strife | 250 de ping
So, he is bad but better xd
Also, if you noticed, you didnt win because you play good, its because they fucked up, and because dcs in origin are "imba".
You are doing just the same in that thread.
23 November 2010, 15:48
23 November 2010, 16:31
Arj | Ant
Not likely Strife.. considering Stray Dogs majorly failed vs 'changin THE METAGAME' they are most likely to play the finals ;)
26 November 2010, 13:08
Strife | 250 de ping
27 November 2010, 01:30
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