19th NightCup
Sunday 23 January 2011
15:00 EST
Predictions (1)
NewStyleD Return
23 January 2011, 16:28
23 January 2011, 16:30
23 January 2011, 16:44
wow fana, np we can catch up our marineround sg rush on origin tonight if you want you joking clown !
24 January 2011, 02:03
24 January 2011, 10:02
I mean we are talking about a tournament where the winner is set without 1 game is played. Any other team are mixed up with middle, high and impact players or has problems to find members.
Your whole teammates are all impact players, just the best of the best of knife, sprogga, saunagirls etc. and the only round you lose is bad luck or your commander fails hard or can you tell me 1 lost game in the last time or obvsly in the near future ? Didnt you notice many teams havent join the cup or let you forfeit win matches ? perhaps previous teams could beat you, but not the randomed teams nowadays.
Of course you can mix up your team like you want, but then dont rage and whine about not played games, forfeit wins and a shitty tournament flair fana...
24 January 2011, 10:40
24 January 2011, 10:52
Last NC we only just won 5-3 and 4-2 against your so called "randomed teams". Last week we even lost a PCW 1-3 against Sexiest.
Maybe you would've given us greater resistance yesterday if you hadn't already decided you were going to lose before you even played the match?
The only forfeit win we've gotten was the fourth round against your team.
24 January 2011, 10:54
You can always lose a marine round with dux commanding, but your alien rounds are always won if you don't have really bad luck.
We played thrilling rounds against sexiest men. Marine and Alien.
But even with aA we could not play a decent marine round against your aliens.
24 January 2011, 11:38
24 January 2011, 12:03
2006 9L didn't lose a single alien round. Did people whine about us being overpowered? No. They tried harder and eventually succeeded (NSNC6).
24 January 2011, 12:08
24 January 2011, 13:12
I said at the beginning of the season 15 that your roster was bs to have enig, marko, franky and s4 in it. The fact you barely ever practice and do some insanely weird shit on marines but still win without too much trouble goes to show how imba the roster is. Not to mention with Tane and Gibbz joining up as well.
24 January 2011, 13:13
saunamen in seasons 11-13 being overpowered? WTF? pretty sure flatline, gardeners, 9L and take-over all had their share of the strong players during those seasons or did i miss something.. o_O
24 January 2011, 13:18
Saunamen and UGO would've given us a run for our money in season 15 if they hadn't been too busy not playing and making drama.
You know what, nevermind. There's no point trying to rationalize with people who have already made up their minds no matter the flaws of their argument: You're right, it's hopeless. You may as well all quit NS and give us a forfeit win in all competitions forever. Congratulations 9L, we just won NS.
(No idea what you're on about knife stealing players, lump. The only currently-clanned-player we recruited was Zallvan. If a team can't even recruit free agents to replace their inactives without it being stealing...)
24 January 2011, 13:19
Hell, marko carried 9L last season, while in Saunamen he was just a player among others.
24 January 2011, 13:40
24 January 2011, 14:03
forfeit final says enought about 9l
24 January 2011, 14:08
24 January 2011, 14:16
quite simple
24 January 2011, 14:20
24 January 2011, 14:22
24 January 2011, 14:24
who gives a shit we're all bad at ns now (no scrims = lmao ns)
go packers
24 January 2011, 14:31
24 January 2011, 15:09
DeGz was actually pretty close to beating 9L ( especially the veil marine round where my fast MT pretty much screwed up our excellent start iirc ) - and even in the beginning of the season ( when i could still play ) we had some tough pcws against them (and yes among them a few victories) - however, no offense to DeGz players (who we recruited with a specific manner with king_yo I must say) but we really had no big impact players except from king_yo, and with vartija/danny in their good days and some well thought-out tactics.
24 January 2011, 17:44
24 January 2011, 23:20
key word 'too'... If you'd quote the rest of what i said, it was that 'even without playing..'
Which is still true, you did some really bizare shit on marine rounds and barely practised but still beat most teams. I know trolls and saunamen would give you a good fight, but you did kinda beat saunamen in mid season anyway?..
and wrt knife, you know that certain teams stay around in groups whether they have an official 'team' or not. There were many periods where knife were already beating the strongest teams but still recruiting the best from the other lineups, such as n44bj, g, morphz, zallvan etc.
25 January 2011, 04:12
you know, it's possible to be stronger than other teams without being overpowered. I'm pretty sure all the other teams i quoted before would say they could've beat you.
s4 carried the last match of the season with 9l vs degz, franky was consistently carry fading through most officials and if enig played he did plenty of his own bs.
Marko was always one of the saunamen impact players. Remember a fade kill on metal by any chance?
25 January 2011, 04:13
25 January 2011, 04:21
25 January 2011, 05:12
25 January 2011, 05:18
Never said, that marko wasn't an "impact player" in saunamen, but he wasn't only one. I don't know what I had to say that players like Nade, Leon or Kuitmo gets credit they deserve. I’m tired to hear that saunamen was just me, marko, peach and every other player were mediocre. There are skills that don't show in scoreboard.
25 January 2011, 06:54
25 January 2011, 07:37
25 January 2011, 07:58
25 January 2011, 08:23
25 January 2011, 08:40
25 January 2011, 08:51
25 January 2011, 10:53
25 January 2011, 10:57
25 January 2011, 12:05
25 January 2011, 13:03
25 January 2011, 13:03
sure, then ns 1on1? ; D
25 January 2011, 14:17
sure, then ns 1on1? ; D[/quote]
omg noob ns was designed for 6v6 not 1v1
25 January 2011, 16:07
25 January 2011, 16:09
sure, then ns 1on1? ; D[/quote]
omg noob ns was designed for 6v6 not 1v1
DE - NIED ![/quote]
25 January 2011, 16:38
25 January 2011, 18:55
I never said anything of the sort! or even close!
12 February 2011, 05:22
fana and tane are little arrogant narcissists ;)
Ns would have been way more interesting if uber-players such as me or.... gee I dont know.. had split up into more even teams.
i mean i always stuck with my nibteam! :D
that be said. i totally agree with saperion!
Fana is just to afraid of a real fight!YEAH
10 March 2011, 09:15
10 March 2011, 15:17
phil called fana a nibz BOOM!
11 March 2011, 11:45
12 March 2011, 08:33
12 March 2011, 14:01
bad german troll followed by worse canadian troll
12 March 2011, 14:21
but further .. nothing bad about being a narcissist SRSLY ! Proud to be one !
12 March 2011, 14:30
I've never seen him post anything that isn't trolling. He's Sublime's dullard brother or something.
OK there's always the chance he's a complete spastic and not trolling, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.
12 March 2011, 15:39
12 March 2011, 15:53
12 March 2011, 16:02
12 March 2011, 19:06
13 March 2011, 09:52
13 March 2011, 09:55
13 March 2011, 09:58
13 March 2011, 11:17
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