21 September 2015 - 20:53 CEST
Crazy: I think winner gets second pick atm, changed this the other day
I think there is a bug in relation to being unmuted and the gather music not playing when the gather starts.
Bug: Scroll up in the chat history, click on "load more" and it loads older posts but their timestamp is the same as what used to be there. So if you click "load more" 100 times, posts that are really from days ago show up as "about 3 hours ago". Until you scroll down, then back up. so I imagine it's the listview update that fixes it.
Disable the LeaveGather button for people that joined gather less than 60s ago and gather started. Stop trolling.
Still need 2 captain votes per player, allowing you to only vote once for one person.
Also, Twitch emotes in chat pls? Kappa
Can you make it so that you can click on a person's name to see their nsl account?
Not sure what twitch emotes are though
Also, Twitch emotes in chat pls? Kappa
Twitch Emotes are as they sound... Emotes that are used on Twitch... Twitch being the streaming website, Emotes being symbols that appear after code words are typed... Look them up and you'll know more...
Kappa, FrankerZ, BibleThump are just a few...
Wow I'm so out of the zeitgeist on this one. So it's emoji sized pictures of twitch celebrities?
I'm assuming we feel it's neither a) easy to implement nor b) high priority (like the anti trolling features) - so I'm afraid it may sink to the bottom of the issue list which has gotten quite long now
Next big todos are:
- Adding multiple votes for servers, maps and captains
- AFK votekicks
- Fixing the sound code
- Archiving gathers to ensl.org
In between those todos I also implement small/easy requests - like Bauer's adding NSL links to players
Twitch emoji: So if you guys want to do it any time soon feel free to make a PR (-: Now's a great time to learn ES2015, React & Websockets. JOIN THE PARTY!!!
Along with the multiple voting for capts etc. Perhaps lower the time, its like 3 minutes to vote for captains, if ppl don't vote in say 60 or so seconds then o well
regather vote count:
6/8, 2 afks
gather dies
On the multiple server votes (preferred, 2nc choice tc maybe?)
I see no reason to make the server list to choose bigger. I mean, the maplist is next to it so there is room.
Honestly, I did not once check what people say their skill is.
Honestly, I did not once check what people say their skill is.