What does the reference to resource flow mean?
Simply a higher rate not tied to amount of players at all?
Isn't there some better way to improve big shit pubs?
For example changing the rfk for big games? Like skipping 3 res for kills for marines or 1 rfk for alien, when that team has more than 8-10 players?
Or making res for kills overflow to gorges, when 100 res is reached (or even reducing the 100 res cap).
My heart said yes. My head also said yes. My TOTALLY UNBIASED moderating powers said "NO, TOO AGGRESSIVE".
He also completely missed that Gibbz was +1'ing my comment rather than saying it should be 3fk instead of 2rfk but I feared I wouldn't be able to stop myself letting him know how... silly I thought he was.
I wanted to keep Gibbz's ironic "Sublime +1" comment so badly but it didn't make sense out of context :(.
okokok.. right if you're gonna make snide remarks let me just point something out mr admin.
Helps to rule out ambiguity maybe?
Keith: "I think we should get paid 10 pounds per hour"
Dick: "Keith plus one"
Hmmm, if you can't see how it could imply Dick wants 11, you need to study life more.
Don't kid yourself thinking I completely missed his intentions for the post; I considered that he might be just backing you up but I know how much George likes to make his life feel more worth by fragging and well.. yeh.
Pat, spamming reload makes the sg reload.. seriously.. I used to get the sg not reloading bug loads and just.. well.. fixed it.. ltp, noob.
I think the point is to encourage expressing opinion, instead of people making ambiguous short posts?...
It may be 'faster' to just go 'YEAH!' but it's not efficient if it can be easily misinterpreted and doesn't really add any new value or content to the thread. Most forums have the same rule, it makes sense :P
froggie, why fix problems this late? well.. why do you still play gathers? most of the fixes already exist and just need to grouped into a patch of some sort; it's not really masses of effort.
I consider declaration of agreement as valuable content whether it's "I agree", "Yes to that point!" or the equally common "+1". This is especially true when the original poster might want to gauge the popularity of a suggestion.
Further criticism of admining will be deleted unless done in the feedback section.
No criticism intended, was merely pointing out ambiguity (and replying to your bitchy assumption about me) and the solution to it that's already in-place. Nevermind ey?
Well I was merely stating I agree with the consistent 2rfk comment Tweadle made. I could have made a stupidly long post like this; but what'd have been the point.
Atm the rfk is random between 1-3. This can make imbalances in game. Take for example this scenario;
Team A is marines and Team B gayliens playing on NS Veil. Now, both the team's flash fades are very decent skulks aswell and can both rack up alot of early kills. Team B's flash fade at the start kills 4 marines (Within the first 1.30) and gets a "lucky" 12 res. He get's his early fade up just before d1 comes out and the marines keep dieing to him. Cappers can't cap ect... Team A loses and both teams switch. Team A now are playing gayliens. Team A's flash fade at the start also gets 4 kills! However he unfortunately only gets 4 res. The fade then comes later and by the time he's egging the marines have more map control, and more nodes. He tries to pressure the marines but due to damage 1 being out and pgs up, he can't do enough damage.
While you could say this is an unlikely scenario, it is still very possible. Also in the case of MC's and the lerk it can even be more important. What's the point in adding some "dice-roll" luck into the game? It should be mathematical and logical. 4 kills = 8 res. Simple.
(just back from library and gym = very tired. So forgive the sloppy english.)
hard to know if 2rfk would be balanced in the short game but yeh, i agreed with tweadle's 2rfk suggestion too. 1rfk is really weak and not helpful when you really need to get back from 1 rt situations. 3 would be kinda imba for spawncamp or fastfades.