Code of Conduct
(a) All Players must at all times observe the highest standards of personal integrity and good sportsmanship and act in a manner consistent with the best interests of the League. Players are required to behave in a professional and sportsmanlike manner in their interactions with other competitors and League officials.
(b) Players may not use obscene or offensive gestures or profanity in their tags, player handles, game chat, live play communications, lobby chat, interviews, or other public-facing communications of any kind. This rule applies to English and all other languages and includes abbreviations and/or obscure references.
(c) Players are expected to settle their differences in a respectful manner and without resorting to violence, threats, or intimidation (physical or non-physical). Violence is never permitted at any time or place, or against any person including competitors, fans, referees and officials.
(d) The obligation to behave in a professional and sportsmanlike manner includes an obligation on the part of Players to arrive on time and ready to compete for all games, including gathers and matches, and tournaments taking place in the League and League Schedule. It also prohibits forfeiting a game or match without reasonable cause.
2.Cheating and Game Integrity.
(a) Players must compete to the best of their skill and ability at all times. Any form of cheating by any Players will not be tolerated. All Players are prohibited from influencing or manipulating any Game match (whether a League match or otherwise) with the intent that any aspect of the match is determined by anything other than the competitive merits. Examples of cheating or behavior impacting game integrity are not exhaustive, and include without limitation:
(i) Collusion, match fixing or any other action to intentionally alter, or attempt to alter,
the results of any game, match or tournament (or any components thereof);
(ii) Attempts to interfere with another player’s connection to the game service through
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) or any other means;
(iii) Bot use, ghosting (i.e., a game spectator illegally provides information about an
opponent’s positions and/or movements), inducing another Player to lose 2 a match, and
receiving leaked scrim footage and/or confidential or proprietary information of another
(iv) Misuse or hacking of game servers;
(v) Violent, threatening or harassing behavior in any Game or League setting; and
(vi) Any other actions or conduct that threatens to undermine the integrity of the
League and its Teams.
(b) Players must at all times follow the Unknown Worlds Entertainment, henceforth referred to as UWE, End User License Agreement, whether during a League match or otherwise. Players are prohibited from violating the UWE End User License Agreement for personal or reputational gain, monetary gain, or for any other reason. Violations of this Section, whether during the course of a League season, during the League off-season, or prior to such Player’s entrance into the League may result in discipline.
(c) Players may only sign up and use one account on for any type of event. Any attempt to account share or deceive your identity this way will be punished up to a permanent expulsion.
(a) The League is committed to providing a competitive Game environment that is free of harassment and discrimination.
(b) In furtherance of this commitment, Players are prohibited from engaging in any form of harassment or discrimination (either in-Game or outside the Game), including without limitation that which is based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other class or characteristic.
4.Software and Hardware.
(a) Any intentional use, or attempted use, by a Player of any bugs or exploits in the Game is strictly prohibited. The League will determine the bugs and exploits prohibited by this rule and whether a Player has taken advantage of a bug or exploit in violation of this rule.
(b) Considered as exploits/bugs
(i) Cannot abuse infestation through walls (no placing structures, using abilities, etc).
(ii) Cannot place structures inside of one another intentionally.
(iii) Cannot intentionally place structures in locations where it is reasonably clear that
the structure is out of bounds of normal play on a map.
(iv) Cannot place ARCs outside intended surfaces and use them to take down
17 November 2022, 17:22
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