ENSL.org server configuration
Before following the next steps to run a competitive server, you need to know how to run a proper NS2 server. We advise you to check the official NS2 Wiki if you have any problem in that regard. You can also contact one of the developers on their official Discord server.
First steps
- Join the NSL Discord to be tagged as “Server Op” and to be aware of future servers required updates. Admins can be contacted through Discord if you have any questions.
- Modify your server file to name your server such as: ENSL.org | Paris #1 by NS2-Fr. Mention the city it's located and not the country. Make sure it uses “ns2nsl” as password.
- Add your server on the ENSL.org server page to make it available for NSL gathers and history records.
Required Mods
These mods should imperatively run on your server to be tagged as an official ENSL.org server. No other mod should be running to avoid potential mods conflicts.
- Shine Administration: Mod ID “706d242"
- NSL Mod: Mod ID "a2ddae8"
- [Shine] Epsilon: Mod ID "c6fbbb0"
- [Shine] Wonitor: Mod ID "235ee3a6"
- Badges+: Mod ID "b7149f9"
- Mod Panels: Mod ID "33c898b2"
- ENSL CompMod: Mod ID "6fd4cd9c”
- UWE Extension: Mod ID "4241B84E”
Required Maps
All the following maps should be available on your server.
Vanilla Maps
Even if some of the following maps aren’t played in the League, they should be available.
- ns2_biodome
- ns2_descent
- ns2_veil
- ns2_summit
- ns2_tram
- ns2_kodiak
- ns2_eclipse
- ns2_summit
- ns2_caged
- ns2_derelict
- ns2_docking
- ns2_refinery
- ns2_mineshaft
- ns2_unearthed
- ns2_origin
Custom Maps
This list is subject to change in the future as the competitive map pool constantly evolves.
- ns2_jambi (Mod ID: "7b986f5")
- ns2_jambi_redux (Mod ID: "6d45366f")
- ns2_tram_nextstop(Mod ID: "48b95c32")
- ns2_tram_redux (Mod ID: "580d269e")
- ns2_veil_cured(Mod ID: "575b854c")
- ns2_veil_redux(Mod ID: "6ca087f8")
- ns2_summit_redux (Mod ID: "6d4c4567")
- ns2_derelict_fixed(Mod ID: "4230c53c")
- ns2_stag (Mod ID: "266c0d1d")
- ns2_mineral (Mod ID: "d873977")
- ns2_nexus (Mod ID: "17B0E28C")
- ns2_biodamnnn (Mod ID: "669841ef")
- ns2_fusion (Mod ID: "aaac676")
- ns2_summit_334 (Mod ID: "85d68489")
- ns2_docking_nsl (Mod ID: "8438b56f")
Mandatory files changes
Files models can all be found here (configuration from the Thirsty Onos, currently not up to date but can be used as an example), including the Shine Administration files.
Make sure to update your NSLConfig.json as follows:
Edit your BaseConfig.json (in your Shine folder) to look like this:
"APIKeys": {
"Steam": ""
"ActiveExtensions": {
"adverts": false,
"afkkick": false,
"autoperfprofile": false,
"badges": true,
"ban": true,
"basecommands": true,
"botmanager": false,
"captains": false,
"chatbox": false,
"cloakadmin": false,
"commbans": false,
"crossspawns": false,
"customspawns": false,
"customtextcommands": false,
"customtimeout": false,
"disablevanillavotes": false,
"eloteamrestriction": false,
"enforceteamsizes": false,
"epsilonbadges": true,
"extraips": false,
"fakeserverip": false,
"funcommands": false,
"hiveteamrestriction": false,
"hotfixepsilon": false,
"killstreak": false,
"logging": true,
"mapstats": false,
"mapvote": true,
"motd": true,
"namefilter": false,
"nomorefakerookies": false,
"norookies": false,
"ns2feedback": false,
"ns2news": false,
"ns2stats": false,
"ns2statsbadges": false,
"nsl": true,
"passwordreset": true,
"pingtracker": false,
"pregame": false,
"pregameplus": false,
"readyroom": false,
"readyroomqueue": false,
"reservedslots": false,
"rookiesonly": false,
"roundlimiter": false,
"serverswitch": false,
"tournamentmode": false,
"unstuck": true,
"usermanagement": true,
"vacplus": false,
"verboselogging": false,
"votealltalk": false,
"voterandom": false,
"votesurrender": true,
"welcomemessages": false,
"wonitor": true,
"workshopupdater": false
"AddTag": true,
"ChatName": "Admin",
"ConsoleName": "Admin",
"DateFormat": "dd-mm-yyyy",
"DebugLogging": false,
"EnableLogging": true,
"EqualsCanTarget": false,
"ExtensionDir": "config://shine/plugins/",
"GetUsersFromWeb": false,
"GetUsersWithPOST": false,
"LogDir": "config://shine/logs/",
"MaxCommandsPerSecond": 3,
"NotifyAdminAnonymous": false,
"NotifyAnonymous": true,
"NotifyOnCommand": true,
"RefreshInterval": 60,
"RefreshUsers": false,
"ReportErrors": true,
"SilentChatCommands": false,
"TimeOffset": 0,
"UserRetrieveArguments": [],
"UsersURL": "http://www.yoursite.com/users.json",
"WebConfigs": {
"Enabled": false,
"IsBlacklist": false,
"MaxAttempts": 3,
"Plugins": [],
"RequestArguments": [],
"RequestURL": "",
"UpdateInterval": 1,
"UpdateMode": 1
At last, edit your EpsilonBadges.json (in your Plugins Shine folder) as follows:
"Debug": false,
"ENSLTeams": true,
"ENSLTeamsRow": 4,
"Flags": true,
"FlagsRow": 2,
"ForceENSLTeamsBadge": false,
"ForceFlagsBadge": false,
"ForceSteamBadge": false,
"SteamBadges": false,
"SteamBadgesRow": 5,
"__Version": "1.6"
25 July 2023, 03:48
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