Wrap Up of 2019 and Future Events
Wrap Up of 2019 and Future Events
Grand Open Tournament
We’d like to extend a big thank you to all teams and players that participated in the Grand Open Tournament! Some great games were played, and another big thank you goes to the casters and referees which helped to facilitate these matches. All matches for the tournament can be found at the following locations, so if you missed it live, make sure to check out these vods here, here, here and here!
Before the winners will be officially validated and announced, we need to get and review vods from the games. So for all members who played in the playoffs, please make sure to turn in your recordings ASAP!
Season 15
Congratulations to the winner of Division 1 in Season 15, T-Shirt Goblins! Division 2’s final has been scheduled and will be played Sunday 15th of December at 10 PST | 13 EST | 18 GMT |19 CET!
Future Events
We will be taking a holiday break from official events until the beginning of January, but we would like your feedback on what events you’d like to see! Right now, a Draft Tournament is being planned for the beginning of January, with the next season starting shortly after, and another Grand Tournament at the end of January or beginning of February. If you have any comments or suggestions, please write to us on Discord or the forums!
Other Info
Organizational Changes
From January, DCDarkling will be taking over the role of Executive Admin of the NSL. This will be a nice challenge for DCDarkling, so we wish him much success in his new role! The current Executive Admin, Pelargir, will be stepping away from direct responsibilities and take on an Advisor role to the league.
Pelargir is not gone yet but will slowly leaving the staff over the next few weeks, so we’d like to thank Pelargir for helping to revitalize the NSL and for all of the hours he’s put into helping make this competitive league a success!
Note that if you're interested in helping the League in any way, feel free to message us, we are still actively looking for Referees, Casters and Admins!
Comp Mod Balance
Your feedback is always appreciated for balance changes. As an example, loMe has made an informative post here on his views, which will be looked at and considered by the balance team. If you have any thoughts, please feel free to continue the discussion here or on our Discord!
14 December 2019, 00:16
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