Finals Divisions & 1st Week!
1st Week!
Finally it has come to this and I would like to inform all teams that the 1st Week is starting today and will end on sunday which is the default time. Please check the rules, divisions, schedule and maps. There was some debate about the possible systems so please check it out before carrying any vendettas on the staff. So in the other words, check your opponent and schedule your match. I created ENSL Clan Leader Steam community for this purpose. It is meant to have one reprsentative per team. Then please notice that the 2nd-7th week maps are not finals and there will a map discussion today evening between the leaders.
This system will be like the last season. 1st Division will have 7 weeks of mayhem of division teams battling against each other. 2nd division is split to two groups, each of which will last for 5 weeks. After the group stage, Semi-Finals will be played between 1st of group A and 2nd of group B and vice versa. Winners of these matches will face each other in the Finals.
ENSL Plugin & Mandatory Snapshots!
This season we are enforcing ENSL Plugin for official match servers. However please do not install it yet. We found some issues that need to be addressed before the plugin is ready for public use. The current bugs won't make it unusable but can cause some nuisance.
Player should know that snapshots are mandatory as well and random snapshot checks will be done on all teams. Please inform your teammates about this. When you will be asked for snapshots, you need to be able to provide them - no going around it. In case the snapshots are not provided you will be suspended for 2 weeks and need to post your snapshots of every game after that.
Plugin info page is here.
ENSL Staff
Finally it has come to this and I would like to inform all teams that the 1st Week is starting today and will end on sunday which is the default time. Please check the rules, divisions, schedule and maps. There was some debate about the possible systems so please check it out before carrying any vendettas on the staff. So in the other words, check your opponent and schedule your match. I created ENSL Clan Leader Steam community for this purpose. It is meant to have one reprsentative per team. Then please notice that the 2nd-7th week maps are not finals and there will a map discussion today evening between the leaders.
This system will be like the last season. 1st Division will have 7 weeks of mayhem of division teams battling against each other. 2nd division is split to two groups, each of which will last for 5 weeks. After the group stage, Semi-Finals will be played between 1st of group A and 2nd of group B and vice versa. Winners of these matches will face each other in the Finals.
ENSL Plugin & Mandatory Snapshots!
This season we are enforcing ENSL Plugin for official match servers. However please do not install it yet. We found some issues that need to be addressed before the plugin is ready for public use. The current bugs won't make it unusable but can cause some nuisance.
Player should know that snapshots are mandatory as well and random snapshot checks will be done on all teams. Please inform your teammates about this. When you will be asked for snapshots, you need to be able to provide them - no going around it. In case the snapshots are not provided you will be suspended for 2 weeks and need to post your snapshots of every game after that.
Plugin info page is here.
ENSL Staff
My boy Ari got mad posting skillz yo!
24 April 2008, 00:44
There is however one thing that attracts my attention, you can NOT enforce a plugin or whatsoever, when it just ISNT ready, its not because i dont want to install the plugin, because i do, i think its a good plugin and some good features, however i am allways carefull with this as it might result in crashed/bugs, that will change the ongoing game outcome.
My opinion on the plugin:
It hasnt been tested good enough yet, to make it mandatory for this season.
What if we were playing sprogga, and sprogga was winning the round(at least it looked that way), but unfortunately due to a code error in the plugin or similar, is it fair to replay the round ? is it fair to give that round to sprogga ?
Anyway keep up the good work, and i hope the plugin comes out of beta stage asap.
24 April 2008, 00:44
Thanks :-)
24 April 2008, 03:38
Don't worry it only crashes when sprogga are losing.
24 April 2008, 05:31
24 April 2008, 09:12
24 April 2008, 09:36
24 April 2008, 09:45
I've never seen the plugin kill a game.
I have the utmost faith in the ENSL plugin.
In jiriki we trust...
24 April 2008, 10:02
24 April 2008, 10:09
I'm making a mental not not to be here for week 4 :D
24 April 2008, 10:29
24 April 2008, 11:24
24 April 2008, 11:46
24 April 2008, 13:04
24 April 2008, 13:49
24 April 2008, 14:01
24 April 2008, 14:19
24 April 2008, 14:43
24 April 2008, 15:09
24 April 2008, 15:48
24 April 2008, 21:21
Remember.. the system changes the teams you play against!!!
It's so confusing, just like when players from the other team can't play.. confusing times ey?
25 April 2008, 11:15
Tweadle: what i mean by it though is that there's no pressure on most of our games
Tweadle: with a big div
Tweadle: losing a round here or there is the difference between finals or not
Tweadle: but you can't deny that losing rounds is more costly in a non-split div1 than a split div1
Tweadle: and pressure is fun
And to re-iterate my lack of input on to team selection (I know my input for the system affected it anyway):
Tweadle: i'm going to butt out of div2 suggestions
Tweadle: not enough of them play us to know
So anyway, what i just said was that "my points were always to do with the system". I knew that changing the system would change the teams but that was not my motive behind stating my preference for a different scheme. You just make it sound like sprogga, namely me, bullied jiriki into complying :(
25 April 2008, 11:45
IF certain teams didn't get a higher priority than others, the balance could be improved for all the teams in the league, but it hasn't been, because soem teams get higher priority than others.
I've already named names.
25 April 2008, 12:13
25 April 2008, 12:16
25 April 2008, 12:43
25 April 2008, 12:43
25 April 2008, 16:37
25 April 2008, 18:27
25 April 2008, 18:48
25 April 2008, 20:11
26 April 2008, 10:46
26 April 2008, 11:16
26 April 2008, 18:12
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