17th NightCup - Progress

The first day is over!

First and foremost, i want to announce the winners of the LAST STAND-Finale

kK Kim !! (BigBanana, swalk, psyc0mus, micke, ykarus, kranky, howdeh)

Congrats you you guys!

We managed to finish the upper brackets today, with takeover taking the win and awaiting opponents for the final.

In the lower brackets, we have matches left.

Team Fantasy are waiting for their opponent.

We will start off with Quaxy vs Stray Dogs.

The winner of that game will play vs NINE SPROGGALEGENDS.

And the winner of that game will in turn get to play vs Team Fantasy - in a game for the second spot in the final.

So in total we have three games and the final for tomorrow.

We will start again at 19:00 CET tomorrow with Quaxy vs SD.

Also, a big thanks to Gibbz for helping out as Admin in this cup, this would not have been possible without him.


We aim on having the final starting at 22:00 CET. Hopefully this should prove to be enough time for the other matches to finish.

Danny on 25 July 10 18:44



Blank multi | The Team

fake final ftw!

25 July 2010, 19:23


Blank dugi


25 July 2010, 20:38


Blank Arj | Ant

lol.. complicated stuff when you werent here for the weekend.. congrats for failing BB! :D

26 July 2010, 02:51


Blank jiriki | old people

Danny you do like bold a lot. :o

26 July 2010, 06:48


Blank Danny | Patphat

yeah people are lazy, but if you only read the bold part you still get everything in that news :D

26 July 2010, 06:57


Blank pSyk | NewStyleD Return

Fat ppl like fat letters

26 July 2010, 07:14


Blank zups | TeaM Fantasy

Bolding is guuuud. I likez it.

26 July 2010, 08:27


Blank sublime

So you could've waited until today.

26 July 2010, 09:41

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