ENSL NS2 Season 1
I would like to announce that the first season for NS2 is coming to ENSL!
The season is a competetion that's stretching over longer time. So you will only have one game a week, by default on sundays at 20.00 CET if you for example are european. We will give you more details for other timezones soon.
The game have just been released, so we want to give new teams some time to form.
So the season will start in about 3 weeks, more exactly the 25th of november. This will be 24th for americans as they have thanksgiving the 25th.
I hear rumours about 10 austrailian teams joining up, which will make another division for the seasons.
At the end there will be a Champions League, to find out who's currently the best team in the world.
More details on this coming soon as well.
You can already sign your team up for the season on the site.
More specificly in Agenda -> Team (click your team name) -> Edit (in the buttom) -> Contests -> NS2 S1.
Note that you have to be the leader of your team on the site to be able to do it.
The signups end on monday the 19th, so make sure you sign up a team with at least 6 players for the first match.
After the signups closes, new players on your team will not be able to play for the 7 first days, to prevent clanjumping.
This is just a little peep at what can become the league of the world for NS2!
Hope lots of teams will sign up, and we can have a rather big first season on ENSL.
More information, rules etc. will come at you soon!
looking forward to it!
30 October 2012, 17:05
30 October 2012, 18:07
lol gg.
Best to repost this on Unknownworld.
PS lf clan <:|||><| ().O_O.()
PS2 ready to help with admin stuff as always before. (div. admin or may be more...)
30 October 2012, 21:39
I heard duplex are pretty cool
31 October 2012, 03:15
Well good luck with that :) !
Oh and swalk .. make sure you got enough help .. cause organizing a Season can be a PAIN !
31 October 2012, 04:06
lul swalk is imba
31 October 2012, 08:57
And here we go again... But where is Pekka(My biatch! :P)?
31 October 2012, 12:34
Thanks for the support and suggestions guys, it's very much appreciated. I will need all the help I can get, as I never even played a season in NS1 :( Let's make this happen!
31 October 2012, 13:25
looking for team!
31 October 2012, 19:30
1 November 2012, 06:06
1 November 2012, 15:45
seems like Eistee volunteers!
2 November 2012, 11:10
Really? .... maybe .. as long as someone buys me NS2 .. i might help you out .. ON WEEKENDS ! .. cause during the week i got lots and lots of work ! Oh and i actually alrdy did help i think . via steam so Shush German !
2 November 2012, 15:24
austrian people dont work ... everyone knows that :D
2 November 2012, 18:10
NS2 kids are bad gg
3 November 2012, 22:16
GibbZ is afraid of joining up, and getting owned.
4 November 2012, 03:15
Yeah I am afraid to play a game which runs like a powerpoint presentation.
4 November 2012, 07:38
Must be quite some time since you tried it.
4 November 2012, 09:27
indeed gibbz, now you got enough fps to rage at the shitreg even moar.
they shouldnt've included dmginfo. now you actually SEE your lmg not doing dmg on a straight-line walking skulk :D
5 November 2012, 03:38
You people can't afford me
5 November 2012, 05:26
uhm, new set of rules for ns2? (plugin, etc)
5 November 2012, 06:07
Yeah voodoo ... jiriki is gone .. so .. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT XD !
Noone will make a plugin i guess !
5 November 2012, 07:58
Ive heard Jimmis and dugi been domining nerds in that game. Says it all.
5 November 2012, 11:55
dugi sux at ns2. I LMG his fade on a daily basis.
5 November 2012, 13:45
zo where i can see teams that singuped?
5 November 2012, 15:43
Hey guess what? Nobody will ever support competitions started by this website because it's full of reprehensible human beings!
6 November 2012, 02:12
Like you Sublime?
6 November 2012, 03:08
here - http://www.ensl.org/contests/115
so true. and pistol... just lol) i think hitbox is all over the place 'cos of ping difference. Standing skulks die with good reg.
6 November 2012, 03:51
Sublime you wer bad at ns1 and even worse at ns2.
6 November 2012, 12:37
Eistee wenn du deinen Arsch hochkriegst könnte ich sogar ne copy für dich springen lassen :p
6 November 2012, 17:28
ns2 suck
ns1 good
7 November 2012, 01:48
Qalaxy will destroy everyone in S1 !
7 November 2012, 11:05
8 November 2012, 17:58
About the plugin thing. I think we should enforce ns2stats on the servers. Rules will be updated for ns2.
9 November 2012, 07:22
9 November 2012, 07:42
Oh and gobot .. define .. getting off my ass and i might think about it 8) ! We will see if NS2 is worth the trouble you might want to put me into XD !
9 November 2012, 16:51
I see lot of old faces. This is what we all expected, GG for all :D
11 November 2012, 16:53
this is exciting :P
16 November 2012, 14:15
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