Finals, 3rd deciders and Custom map cup!
Now we have most of the semifinals played, only missing 3 games in total across the leagues.
That means that we have finals and 3rd decider matches coming up this weekend!
The 3 semifinals that are still missing to be played are:
Not Funny At All vs HaN! BouLayZ TeaM
All of them should be interesting games, keep an eye out for them during the weekend!
We have also opened the signups for the Custom map cup that will be held at the 16th-17th of febuary!
This cup is to get a chance to play some of the potential custom maps out there, and then see if some of them are viable for season play. The current maps we are going to try out in mid-febuary are ns2_triad - ns2_turtle - ns2_icarus - ns2_tengu - ns2_jambi - ns2_honorguard - ns2_drydosity. This list of maps can change, but talking with the mappers through this thread it seems we have gotten all the playable maps that seem to have some kind of potential.
We will bring up a discussion about how the maps play, and about which of the maps you want in the next season once the cup is over.
Please note that if you don't participate and play the maps. Any kind of feedback you give us about which maps to pick up for season play, will not have much effect. So we recommend that anyone that want to participate in season 2, also participates in this cup.
If you wish for some changes to the maps before the cup, go to their respective threads and give the mappers some feedback!
To sign up, go to Agenda -> Click your team name -> Edit your team -> Contests -> Custom map cup signups
The signups for the Custom map cup closes the 8th of febuary!
That's it for now, hope you enjoy the remaining matches of the season, here they are!
Div 1 Final
Div 1 3rd decider
Div 2 Final
be BAGUETTE my friend vs The French Connexion
Div 2 3rd decider
Div 3 Final
Div 3 3rd decider
Div 4 Final
Div 4 3rd decider
Div 5 Final
Actioneers vs HaN! BouLayZ TeaM
Div 5 3rd decider
Astaria_Team vs Not Funny At All
North America
Div 1 Final
Div 1 3rd decider
Div 2 Final
Breakfast Klub vs SxySqdrnOFSsySsqtchs
Div 2 3rd decider
Div 1 Final
Div 1 3rd decider
Is there an option to veto maps? Because wtf honorguard.
25 January 2013, 07:31
No, there is no option to veto a map. honorguard's layout and room sizes seems promising, even if the concept is not NS. You can put your opinion about the maps in the discussion once the cup is over. Some of these maps are more viable as season maps than others, but this cup is also about having some fun on different maps, and play on some maps that usually wouldn't be played competetively. This will also help the mappers improve the maps, I hope alot of the players will give the mappers some feedback on how they play.
25 January 2013, 14:19
Isn't the whole point of this to play as much maps as possible and maybe find a few good ones? .. so vetoing anyone map before trying it .. NOT SMART !
25 January 2013, 15:28
They did actually discuss map viability on the NS2 forums and asked for suggestions. I think you are moaning a little late.
25 January 2013, 15:46
Exactly EisTee :)
25 January 2013, 16:31
Just FYI the dates on the contest page say Feb 16- Jan 17 :D
27 January 2013, 23:23
Oops, minor mistake. Corrected! =)
28 January 2013, 01:36
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