Custom map cup matches
Matches saturday
Round 1: ns2_triad - Workshop link
Group A-C time: saturday 18.00 CET
Group D-E time: sunday 00.00 CET / saturday 18.00 EST / saturday 15.00 PST
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Team Work & Tactics vs Bounded
Group D:
Group E:
Round 2: ns2_nsl_turtle - Workshop link
Group A-C estimated time: saturday 19.00 CET
Group D-E estimated time: sunday 01.00 CET / saturday 19.00 EST / saturday 16.00 PST
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Team Work & Tactics vs Unchain the Wolves
Group D:
Group E:
Round 3: ns2_icarus - Workshop link
Group A-C estimated time: saturday 20.00 CET
Group D-E estimated time: sunday 02.00 CET / saturday 20.00 EST / saturday 17.00 PST
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Group D:
Group E:
Round 4: ns2_jambi - Workshop link
Group A-C estimated time: saturday 21.00 CET
Group D-E estimated time: sunday 03.00 CET / saturday 21.00 EST / saturday 18.00 PST
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Spikes & Bites vs Team Work & Tactics vs Unchain the Wolves
Group D:
Group E:
Round 5: ns2_honorguard - Workshop link
Group A-C estimated time: saturday 22.00 CET
Group D-E estimated time: sunday 04.00 CET / saturday 22.00 EST / saturday 19.00 PST
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Group D:
Group E:
Matches sunday
Round 6: ns2_drydosity - Workshop link
Group A-C time: sunday 18.00 CET
Group D-E time: monday 00.00 CET / sunday 18.00 EST / sunday 15.00 PST
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Spikes & Bites vs Unchain the Wolves
Group D:
Breakfast Klub vs Damage Networks
Group E:
Round 7: "free" choice - pick one of the maps you didn't play
Group A-C estimated time: sunday 19.00 CET
Group D-E estimated time: monday 01.00 CET / sunday 19.00 EST / sunday 16.00 PST
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Team Work & Tactics vs
Group D:
Group E:
Round 8: Finals
Group A-C estimated time: sunday 20.00 CET
Group D-E estimated time: monday 02.00 CET / sunday 20.00 EST / sunday 17.00 PST
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Group D:
Group E:
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