Season 2 Week 3
As per this news post we announced ns2_icarus was being played this week. This was in hope of Lazer, the mapper of icarus, fixing some issues with the map. Unfortunately he haven't put out an update with the needed fixes yet so we see it nessesary that it will be removed from the map pool for season 2. We hope this will encourage Lazer to improve the map, so it's ready for season 3. So this is now the new maprotation for the season:
- Week 1 (10th March): ns2_nsl_summit / ns2_nsl_tram
- Week 2 (17t March): ns2_nsl_veil / ns2_jambi
- Week 3 (24th March): ns2_nsl_summit / ns2_nsl_tram
- Week 4 (31th March): ns2_nsl_tram / ns2_nsl_descent
- Week 5 (7th April): ns2_nsl_veil / ns2_jambi
- Week 6 (14th April): ns2_nsl_summit / ns2_nsl_veil
- Week 7 (21th April): ns2_nsl_tram / ns2_nsl_descent
This means you will be playing summit and tram this weekend. Hope you understand why icarus was taken out. In any case, here are your matches for week 3 of season 2.
Division 1
Be BAGUETTE myfriend vs Mercury
Division 2
NeXuS Gaming vs Anatolian Tigers
Quoth Gaming vs Unchain the Wolves
Team Work & Tactics vs WongaNS
Division 3
The Glorious 29th vs Online Game Tv
North America
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
National Gamers vs Flying Chipmunks
Division 4
nuReign.K vs The Caturday Killers
Division 1
Serious Business vs Seraphatic Nexus #2
22 March 2013, 03:38
YEAHHHH :DD And what about descent ?
22 March 2013, 09:21
descent is being played next week as you can see in the map rotation.
22 March 2013, 11:01
yeah but you said before that you will do another vote,because people said no on the first vote but the main reason was because it was a new map,so you are not going to do a 2nd vote?
22 March 2013, 13:28
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