It's that time of the year again
Howdy folks,
Just as Gabe has emptied your wallets last christmas (did mine too), now I'm asking for some funds for the server bills (website, ts3). It looks like I'm about 200 euros (from total of 600 euros) short this year. If you are interested in helping, please send any contributions via PayPal to jiriki at
- Lucas Nielsen, 27 euros
- SkosMulle, 26 euros
- semi, 25 euros
- Danny, 21 euros
- Garo, 20 euros
- DrifterGirl, 20 euros
- tudy, 20 euros
- Voodo, 20 euros
- d3lxa, 17 euros
- Vindaloo, 15 euros
- Multivac, 15 euros
- Macpersil, 13.37 euros
- Petri Ryhänen, 12 euros
- leipa, 10.1 euros
- SupaFed, 10 euros
- GameOver, 5 euros
- ScaryPL, 5 euros
- Jaro, 1 euro
I've received total of 241 euros now, big thanks to everyone.
Btw. here are last year's contributors and it was a total of 256 euros!
Yours, Jiriki
10 January 2015, 05:30
10 January 2015, 12:42
10 January 2015, 21:31
15 January 2015, 19:34
15 January 2015, 21:27
16 January 2015, 08:37
16 January 2015, 13:55
16 January 2015, 16:02
Thats just sad XD !
16 January 2015, 16:48
16 January 2015, 19:04
16 January 2015, 20:08
16 January 2015, 23:00
17 January 2015, 01:49
17 January 2015, 01:51
18 January 2015, 22:25
19 January 2015, 04:48
19 January 2015, 14:26
19 January 2015, 15:37
That would make you the second there... leipa has 10€ and 10 cents you would have with that number 10€ and 5 cents...
19 January 2015, 18:14
13,37 was already taken :l
19 January 2015, 19:51
The case that i was talking about here is the one in which i could surpass supafred as leading donator in the 10€ area. Putting myself in leipa's position, I would have done so by simply donating 10.05, in order to spend less while still retaining the spot I was aiming for.
The whole comment itself was merely an expression of sarcasm - without offending anyone around here.
Thank you Unique, for making clear to me that my comment was misunderstood. I will try to be as explicit as possible in the future.
Yours truly, Bauer
19 January 2015, 20:26
The sarcasm is strong in this one, you've earned the right to carry an icon over at TS for being sorry of misleading me, also "admint" admit* and you should type a person's name with a capital "supafred" Supafred* :3
And this picture should finish up this comment nicely.
-Fabulous Uniquê
20 January 2015, 15:56
To all you girls out there, this guy is a must-have.
Take him while you still can
20 January 2015, 16:20
thats correct there is only one 1337 guy here 8-)
20 January 2015, 16:40
21 January 2015, 00:24
23 January 2015, 17:44
24 January 2015, 18:05
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