Seems like some people start organizing some first-ish NS2 cups....where will ENSL be? The last ones to join in? Ignore it? Keep saying "NS2 sucks balls fall 2009 trolololol"?
Shall ENSL be a dying NS1 league only or try to get into NS2?
I know only few here play NS2 (or can), but I hate the idea letting other communitites do the big NS2-competitive-gang and no one will remember ENSL anymore in a year or two ;)
I know some of you are heavily NS2 involved..soooo ideas?
At least we might get a NS2 section on the website started.
"saebel, can i borrow your account and play ns2 for 1 min, to realize how fucking shit it really is and get banned from playing soccer because i vented my anger into some other guys balls, pls?"
Thy shall smack daun your enemies with the power of the spit and the holy chukle! ---------------------------------------
I agree, you admins should do something about it. The next patch of NS2 is gonna improve the game alot. And it will keep being improved until the eventual release.
Edit: ENSL can do better than that forum post. You got the experience and the resources. Unite European NS2!
Hint: All you need to do is announce the first season when the game gets released (unknown date) and begin to hold mini-cups like the one in that thread.
fo fana. ns2 is the best console game evar. its slow, everything is big and bulky. it performs like shit on a topnotch pc. there is no skill but aiming involved...which is countered by shit performance and akward response to mouse movement (play avsp3 to get what i mean on a pc)
srsly, i dont think my xbox will see anything but forza and ns forever!
ns2 is a pc-exclusive?
well maybe ill play it then, nothing beats a game you can handle with a beer in your hand and not giving a shit.
like ns1, just that i will still get kills that way
i know im an asshole. but if i dont say it, those guys will think they are heading in the right direction...
Thy shall smack daun your enemies with the power of the spit and the holy chukle! ---------------------------------------
Saebel youre the worst troll ever :P NS2 is being built for PC, and then ported to other platforms (xbox360).
There is alot of things that are placeholders in the game still. With that said, UWE know these common problems such as server performance and FPS dropping (usually gets worse as you progress towards late-game). And they are working on it.
I don't think you will be able to play anything decently, with one hand, when NS2 is done :P
Fana your opinion added nothing to this thread, and was completely obsolete and unnessesary.
This topic needs more admin attention (and something done about it).
Oh sorry, I didn't realize you're completely retarded. If you want to delude yourself into thinking that NS2 is anywhere near a playable competitive state, go right ahead.
We know the game is far from done (even i do and i dont even have it)
But also we could at least make some kind of thing so that ppl who actually like the game alrdy maybe can gather up here and play together ... you just so ensl does ANYTHING at all towards NS2 !
And lol they plan on getting ns2 on xbox? XD ROFL !
Whats with the name calling? Im retarded all of a sudden? You got anger problems or something? Did I offend you in any way?
You really didn't add anything useful to this thread, you did the exact opposite. Shot it down.
NS2 is coming towards a playable competetive state. That doesn't mean im saying, that it is at the moment. Nor that my vision of it is deluded.
But it will keep getting better and better for each patch, and it goes faster and faster with the development. I've been following it almost daily since the alpha came out. And it have come a long way from there. And when max is done with these optimization culling problems, he will get back on server performance, which is the largest problem, in my opinion.
It will begin to become competetive even though its in beta. That forum post is a clear example of that.
Edit: Yeah eistee. I also thought WTF?! But then again, other shooters like CoD etc. have success on console platforms, so why not NS2? I got some of the CoD series both on console and PC. And the console version is just another way of controlling the game. It takes alot of skill to be good at it on the console version, since most good players use a high sensitivity on the "aiming stick".
Ah well i never knew how anyone can actually AIM on a console .. i even got pissed about the aiming in MGS and i loved the MGS games.. so i hope they dont have xbox players and pc gamers on the same servers
Further be nice to each other we have established fana does not like the state on NS2 swalk does .. lets leave it at that and refrain from tthe bad words !
To get back to the TOPIC ! Maybe to just start things up a little get a NS2 gather thing going so ppl can play together by going through << that would promote ns2 players to come here too 8) !
Might expand the community and then we might get some nice ideas for an actual season or league !
I didn't say that I liked the current state of the game, but I know I will like the game when its done. You can feel how its gonna play from early game experiences, on good servers ;)
Yeah aiming with a stick is alot different than a mouse, that takes alot of practice and precision :P
I don't believe they will have xbox and PC players on the same servers. Only heard that being done with one game before; Shadowrun.
A gather system on ENSL could be useful, if you announce it on UWE's forums and maybe even ask moderators to make it a sticky. Alot of people would be interested, even in it's current state. And then you can simply take it from there, as the game gets closer to release.
Edit: Basicly it's all up to jiriki to make this gather feature? There are already gather channels starting up on IRC, but they don't seem to have the resources. Like server and homepage system. It shouldn't take too long to copy-paste and edit a little on the ENSL homepage. And for the server(s)? That was my next question, maybe some of the current server hosts will be able to help with that to begin with. If a forum post about this is made on UWE's forum im pretty sure there would be some helping hands.
bHack got that one right. CoD series only have it in singleplayer, and as far as i recall, you can turn it off. Believe me or not, it can be quite annoying when you're used to actually aiming with the stick.
actually i love the concept of moving/aiming on console.
and i love ns.
getting those 2 together, on the other hand, is impossible without killing each.
unless you make ns2 into something that can work with a controller -> hence the flame.
Thy shall smack daun your enemies with the power of the spit and the holy chukle! ---------------------------------------
I'm with Fana on this one. Personally I don't feel I've got enough motivation for being involved in organising anything for NS2. Obviously if someone wants to do it, by all means go for it. It's all good if someone has the interest.
I've got huge respect towards the people involved in running the ENSL though, so I'm definitely interested in helping out if NS2 starts providing gameplay I enjoy.
In terms of gameplay and FPS, I think the next patch will be much better. In summit, because it has little effects, you can get very good FPS. The layout is also much more interesting than the official maps. In fact, playing Summit with a good deal of people (and running a dedicated on my box with 16 players and 80+ ingame FPS) made me feel a first real NS1-type game. The game mechanics just need polishing, skill-based movement system etc. However upcoming months will be interesting in this regard.
Why do you mean its impossible? Arguments please :P
It could work on a xbox controller.
[RT] = attack
[LT] = change weapon
[RB] = Sayings/requests/taunt etc.
[LB] = Use/repair
[Back] = Show map
[Left stick] = WASD
[Press Left stick] = Sprint/alien movement
[Right stick] = Mouse movement (aim)
[Press Right stick] = ?
[A] = jump
[B] = crouch/close menu's(armory, sayings, evolve, etc.)
[X] = alien vision/flashlight
[Y] = evolve/?
Am I missing some controls? My setup could be reworked.
I might not buy it for the xbox, but I can see why they want to try it, even though it properly wont be a huge success. It could have decent sales.
And on topic: It could be nice if this feature was ready when the next patch comes(friday), as I also think thats gonna change the game dramaticly. In a good way.
But maybe thats just wish thinking.. ;) Any genies around?
Consoles are great for twitch-skill-based fighter ,games not FPS or RTS.
This discussion is irrelevant though, since if they ever make xbox version, its going to be years away, and it is not going to affect us. Well I mean in theory they might cater some things in the game to console players, but I think its a very minor issue.