Season 13 Seeding possiblitys
We made these Seedings based on these Signups:
Please POST only construcitve Feedback here in the Comment section.
Everything else will be moderated.
Seeding 1) 2 Division Setup with all Teams
Seeding 2) 3 Division Setup with simply 4 Teams per Division (5 in Div3)
Seeding 3) 3 Division Setup sorted Skillwise (1 addional Div3 Team Required at least.)
11 April 2018, 16:14
4. Teams
(d) After the season begins, all division teams must maintain a roster of at least five (5)
registered users
Nvm. I'm retarded
11 April 2018, 16:21
Welcome PPZ
Any more suggestions what Seeding or what seeding you would like to be changed how
(The Order of the Seeding Rank wise is the same in each)
11 April 2018, 23:12
12 April 2018, 10:55
12 April 2018, 10:55
This way Div3 looks nice, and pubstars wont roll Div2.
12 April 2018, 13:04
Seeding 1 is just bad imo, with the skill difference between teams you're just going to encourage teams to not play their rounds.
Seeding 2 is acceptable (though probably needs looking at again because of the addition of the newer teams).
12 April 2018, 13:39
12 April 2018, 14:53
but your right numberwise it would make more sense on seeding2
1 more team and we could do 4 divisions with 4 teams what would be quiet a good balance.
not but seriously i think Seeding 3 is the best we have so far.
Im quiet biased if pubstars should be div1 or div2 in seeding 3 (so i put it into div2).
There always will be some Teams on a disadvantage and feeling like they got no chance.
But heads up everyone started one day time to improve and win it all.
12 April 2018, 23:30
If those teams drop out it would lead to div 1 having very few teams again. so putting pubstars in div 1 could potentially bolster that After all "There always will be some Teams on a disadvantage and feeling like they got no chance. But heads up everyone started one day time to improve and win it all." and would also prevent teams like 8-bit and/or saunabois being stomped by them...
I'm not saying that you should definitely be in div 1, i'm just saying that it would be a shame for div 1 to suffer the same fate it has for the past few seasons.
13 April 2018, 01:43
13 April 2018, 08:15
13 April 2018, 08:42
13 April 2018, 13:23
13 April 2018, 14:31
13 April 2018, 16:19
13 April 2018, 17:48
(Do they belong more up or down in Ranks is somebody else ranked wrong in somebodys opinion ?)
I Removed Pell mell completely trough their own request from rank 5 what puts Pubstars to rank 5.
In Seeding 2 i moved Saunabois from div3 to div2. trough Pell mell missing and avoiding a Division with 7 Teams cause this will take far longer to finish every game.
Beside i think it helps the balance quiet a bit in that Division.
(but its still open if in Seeding2 Pubstars should be Div1 or Div2)
i am biased cant judge.
For all Seedings we need good balance and as many as possible teams playing instead of quitting in all Divisions. so we have the biggest amount on Games played.
13 April 2018, 18:35
13 April 2018, 18:45
13 April 2018, 23:23
13 April 2018, 23:40
Added them to the last Rank (16) on all Seedings
Didn't adjust the Seeding 1-3 yet.
14 April 2018, 03:46
pub stars too strong for 2nd division
16 April 2018, 08:21
This x1000, everyone knows it, they field one team preseason and then bring out the big guns during the season every time :P
Div1 gonna be shite anyway, most will fold and then Hera's prem div team can stomp as usual
16 April 2018, 14:47
Cause honestly the latest status i have at this point its just gonna be 3 Teams in div1
(DEFORMED, Elogain, Pubstars)
I heard the Suggestion to convert Div1 into a Draft Tournament (season) pick Captains these pick Players of a pool these Teams play a Season...
What i kinda dislike about this suggestion is the possibility that there could be Teams created that don't want to play together and this might not better the situation cause same amount of Disbands, Forfeits might happen then.
On the other hand it might motivate People to still play cause they don't see the Mountain of 1-2 Imba Teams anymore all assembled team will have somehow similar skill.
16 April 2018, 18:15
16 April 2018, 19:54
I like seeding 3 the most, but it would be nice if one more dive 3 team could move up (dont know which one though). Pubstars is too strong with too much experience in div 2 I think. Saunabois and 8bit gamers gonna get rekt by Team awesome and FallenSouls enough as it is :p
17 April 2018, 09:31
17 April 2018, 10:09
17 April 2018, 17:37
17 April 2018, 19:01
17 April 2018, 19:55
like this all divs will more equal amount of games
But Honestly this is a option in case many teams forfeit/disband in a Division to just add up these matches.
any other ideas ?
17 April 2018, 21:40
17 April 2018, 22:43
18 April 2018, 16:41
18 April 2018, 16:42
removed Alcoholics Anonymous from all Seedings.
In Seeding 1 i moved Pubstars to div1 (you kinda need at least 4 teams in a div)
I moved in Seeding 2 Pubstars to div1 and moved Nismen into div2 from div3.
to have a difference to Seeding 3.
So Seeding 3 is like it used to be without Alcoholics Anonymous
In case Alcoholics Anonymous want to join back message here or me.
I heard rumours of 1 additional Team wanting to join (div1-div2 like pubstars strength) but i honestly have no idea how to squeeze them in atm.
18 April 2018, 21:22
We've barely played two scrims, most of us have no comp experience other than those two games, our ELO is exacerbated since we mostly only play against each other and we'll most likely play all games in NA servers with 175-250 ping against euro teams.
Mega pls no bully :[
18 April 2018, 22:06
19 April 2018, 00:21
FaLLeN SouLs
Ololoi's Dream
(High Expectations)
8bit Gamers
Hello kitty Ninjas
Lerk Army
For the Lolz
8bit Bellysliders
Yes, there might be some cases where skill difference is quite high, but this is not avoidable anyways, unless Deformed gets it's own division :P
If you really want to keep the 3 division system, here is my alternative solution:
Ololoi's Dream
(High Expectations)
FaLLeN SouLs
8bit Gamers
Hello kitty Ninjas
For the Lolz
8bit Bellysliders
Lerk Army
19 April 2018, 10:22
If you go for playoffs keep it betweem the top 2 teams then.
19 April 2018, 13:01
19 April 2018, 15:22
My 4 div suggestion would make for a faster season and opening the doors to more teams next season. I think longer seasons just make people notice the skill difference much more and lead to more teams folding, shorter seasons could make teams stick around for longer.
2 divisions would be horrible.
19 April 2018, 16:26
19 April 2018, 16:51
19 April 2018, 18:03
In Seeding1 nothing changed for the other teams just +1 team in div1.
In Seeding2 nothing changed for the other teams just +1 team in div1.
In Seeding3 nothing changed for the other teams just +1 team in div1.
So to the Actual latest news:
I have been told 8bitGamers gonna have 1-2 Teams instead of 3 they see who can still play active enough etc..
Also from "Team Awesome aka Ololois Dream" i have been told from 1 GUY they have to play div2 or disband.. cause not very active yada yada
"For the lolz" told me they have to play div3 they don't want to play div2.
Hello Kitty ninja
i asked nicely if they would like to play div3 like 3-6 days ago they said "please no we only have like 1-3 half experienced players" and i know quiet a few of them its true so some have season experience as much as for example Stobez that played div3 last season with all newcomers so they should honestly still belong to div3 i guess.
And Nismen reacted to been putted in div2 with please not ^^ (sorry didn't ask in steam b4 i did i just wanted to see reactions to that was not fully serious.)
@Kash, @Mephillies
So Small Divisions people want that indeed would also help to finish it fast
@Kash having
a 4 Division Setup would look kinda weird:
High Expectations
FaLLeN SouLs
Team Awesome
8bit Gamers
For The Lolz
Hello Kitty Ninjas
8bit Bellysliders
Lerk Army
Beside we probably gonna be lacking 1-2 Teams. So no sorry.
Now to
@Crowbars 2 Division Seeding sorry i just consider it to harsh on the lower end of the Teams and the mid end.
But continue to convince everyone and bring good reasons why if you believe in it and we might still do it.
Lets look at your 3 Division Setup with considerations of these Teams opinions these its gonna look like this:
(what i honestly would like to put in action and create matches with)
alreadyrip? (what is their name now ?)
High Expectations
FaLLeN SouLs
Team Awesome
8bit Gamers
For The Lolz
Hello Kitty Ninjas
8bit Bellysliders
Lerk Army
I Consider so many opinions and be so Patient with the Seeding's cause i want to have the least amount of forfeits and the most amount of played matches,
BUT i have to create matches ASAP So keep me informed and i can still adjust but i want to get done cause we need to play summer is coming.
19 April 2018, 19:04
19 April 2018, 20:21
I went for the following Seeding:
High Expectations
FaLLeN SouLs
Team Awesome
8bit Gamers
Div3 Group A
Hello Kitty Ninjas
8bit Bellysliders
Div3 Group B
For The Lolz
Lerk Army
Why it came to Group A and B in Division 3:
The advantage of Div3 having 2 groups (A and B) is its a faster S13 also the potential of less high ping games (Argentina vs Russia gonna be so fun for both)
ok let me put it that way normal div3 is 8 high ping games in group play and maybe 1-3 in the playoffs.
Group A and B is gonna be 4 high ping games in group play and maybe 1-2 in the playoffs.
But this also means with Group A and B the worst team could end the Season after 2 Matches in Group B
3 in Group A (like div2 where a team might only have 3 matches and be done)
while on the normal play they have 6 Matches.
the main advantage of this is normal Div3 everyone plays everyone is 9 Weeks. thats 24 June.
on Group A and B play its 5 Weeks what is (27 may exactly like div1 and div2 , they would end the same time.)
You think otherwise tell me why and what else you want.
23 April 2018, 19:12
22 August 2019, 22:16
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